Tag Archives: Bald Eagle


Ron Bolander was at Gualala Point Regional Park photographing birds between storms. He found this gorgeous male American Kestrel. I love how one feather is lifted by the wind.

Ron also found a Bald Eagle soaring through the air.

ah, to be able to fly!

Thanks to Ron for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Today is very cold...brrr....and lightly raining. We added another .20 inch of rain yesterday for a season to date total of 33.85 inches. After tonight's rain, we are suppose to get a break until late Sunday. With the King Tides this weekend, and New Year's Eve, this weekend would be a great time to be here on the Mendonoma Coast.

Several weeks ago Ron Bolander was out photographing birds, fortunately for us! He spotted this Bald Eagle soaring, a lovely photo of the majestic bird.

Ron also spotted a Long-billed Dowitcher.

And then this pair.

These shorebirds nest far to our north, in the Arctic.

Finally, Ron photographed Red-necked Phalaropes, this one in breeding plumage.

Nice day for great bird sightings for Ron! Thanks to him for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

We did have rain overnight and it was so wonderful. Over 1/3rd of an inch at our place in Anchor Bay. This morning it was quite humid and warm. There are lots of visitors here this weekend, enjoying the beauty that surrounds us on the Mendonoma Coast.


Paul and Monique Cooper were the first to spot this Bald Eagle who is missing his or her left eye. The eagle visited their area in Irish Beach for several days.

I sent Paul's photo to several experienced birders, asking if they had seen this bird before. No one had. In my Mendonoma Sightings column I asked people to be on the lookout for this Bald Eagle and see if they could get a closer photo. Eric Zetterholm came through, as he often does.

I was told this Bald Eagle has two indentations in the back of his or her head. I would guess that this eagle was attacked, perhaps by a Great Horned Owl. Using up one of his or her lives, this Bald Eagle has completely healed and was seen by Eric eating a fish. Hooray!

Thanks to Paul and Eric for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Wind and more wind is the story today. This is suppose to be the last day of the strong wind. May it be so!

Rick Denniston photographed this Bald Eagle eating what looks like a large lizard. The light wasn't good for the photo, Rick said.

I sent Rick's photo to reptile expert Gary Nafis. He wrote,

"I don't know what it is. I'm not sure it's a lizard, and I don't think it's the tail end of a snake. I can't see any legs and the light thing hanging down over the branch doesn't look like one. The largest lizards in your area are alligator lizards, but if an eagle's talons are two inches long as I've read, then it's too large to be an alligator lizard. If it is a lizard, it would have to be an escaped pet. If it's a rodent, I don't think the eagle would be eating the tail end. Raptors have been seen eating salamanders, too, but the tail is also wrong for a giant salamander."
Do you have any idea what the Bald Eagle is eating?
Thanks to Rick for allowing me to share his photo with you here.
Ooo, we are having wild weather - rain, hail, sunshine, more rain hail, sunshine...a wait five minutes kind of day. We had a 1/2 inch of rain this morning in a short period of time. More coming in late this afternoon.

Can you imagine experiencing this? Peter Forte was kayaking down the Gualala River when he slid past an adult Bald Eagle feasting on a bird.

Video of a Bald Eagle on a snag in the Gualala River by Peter Forte

Harm Wilkinson saw perhaps the same Bald Eagle at the Gualala River.

Thanks to Nicole Forte who told me about her son's video and sent it to me. Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his video, and thanks to Harm for allowing me to share his photo.

Cloudy, with a few showers this morning. Another storm coming in early tomorrow!