Tag Archives: Bald Eagle


The Gualala Bald Eagles, a mated pair, have been AWOL from the area for a while, so it's wonderful to see at least one of them has returned.

Eric Zetterholm found this mature Bald Eagle perched on a branch at the river recently.

Thanks to Eric for allowing  me to share his photo with you here.

Once again, fog covers the ocean, keeping temps nice and cool, but cutting down on marine sightings! It's a beautiful Autumn day here on the Mendonoma Coast.

Sara Bogard saw this Bald Eagle coming in for a landing on the sand by the P'Da Hau, aka the Garcia River.

I love how her shadow is seen in Sara's photo.

Thanks  to Sara for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Sunny and mild here today!



Joanne Abramson wrote, "This was my first time photographing a Bald Eagle and I was so surprised to find him/her in a Cypress grove above Ten Mile River. May 4th was a foggy/hazy morning, and the fog drifted in and out between the eagle and me. It was a challenge to photograph him in the shadows of the tree."

"I waited two hours for him to fly over the ocean. It was worth the wait. They are magnificent birds."

To see these beautiful birds continue to recover in numbers and expand their territories is a joy. Thanks to Joanne for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Looks like the wet weather has left for now. Beautiful  cumulus clouds are moving over the ocean, southward. It's breezy, sunny with a big dose of loveliness.


Before dusk yesterday, the Gualala River was full nearly to the brim. It looked like it could open at any time. This morning the river was open and Rozanne Rapozo photographed it. Notice the Bald Eagle on the north side of the sandbar.

Those Steelhead I showed you yesterday have surely exited the river, entering their next journey in the Pacific Ocean. Hooray!

Thanks to Rozanne for allowing me to share her photo with  you here.

Another storm is forecast for tonight. Bring it, Mother Nature!


What a great photo! Rozanne Rapozo was at the Gualala River estuary when she saw this Bald Eagle, the male of the mated pair that call the Gualala area their home.

The pair have been seen mating this past week! X-rated sightings for you today.

Thanks to Rozanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Fog at the immediate coast, sunny elsewhere. Kind of sounds like spring, rather than winter.