Tag Archives: Bald Eagle

Perry Hoffman was at the Gualala River when he saw this beautiful Bald Eagle right near the river's edge.

Then the Bald Eagle - I think this is the female of the Gualala River pair - bent over for a drink.

What a treat it is to have Bald Eagles back on the Mendonoma Coast. And they continue to expand their territory northward.

Thanks to Perry for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Perry's artwork, here is the link to his website: https://magentaraven.com/

Clouds have been pouring in. A big storm is expected, especially overnight. Batten down the hatches!

David Presotto photographed this Bald Eagle standing on a wad of kelp. Common Ravens and a Turkey Vulture are among his subjects!

Thanks to David for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

No fog this morning. Temps in the mid 70's with a gentle breeze. Really quite lovely here today!


This Western Gull was NOT happy a big Bald Eagle was perched nearby. Perhaps there is a nest there. Shari Goforth photographed the action as the gull launched itself at the eagle.

The Bald Eagle took the hint and lifted off.

Great action photos by Shari! I thank her for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Fog made an appearance early this morning, cooling off the immediate coast. It's more than ten degrees cooler today, temps in the low 70s at Rick's and my place.


The pair of Bald Eagles has returned and are involved with courtship and mating now. Ron Bolander was at Gualala Point Regional Park when he took this photo of a Bald Eagle soaring near the Gualala River.

What a beautiful blue sky in Ron's photo!

Rozanne Rapozo photographed one of the Bald Eagles as it landed on a snag in the river. Magnificent!

Thanks to Ron and Rozanne for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

We have a big storm coming in, which is to start in the wee hours of Saturday and continue all day. I'll report rain totals after the storm. We might receive a couple of inches of the wet stuff!

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Eric Zetterholm was out photographing the two Gualala River Bald Eagles when he got this evocative photo of one of the eagles and the waning Moon visible that afternoon.

Isn't it beautiful? Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share it with you here.

Clouds began piling in this afternoon. Yes, rain is on the way!