Tag Archives: Anchor Bay

A group Pygmy Nuthatches has been arriving at dusk, and leaving at dawn, from a birdhouse outside Rick's and my home in Anchor Bay. They have been doing so for two or so months. There were eight to start, and then seven for some weeks. Last week there were eight again, and yesterday there were seven. Here's a close-up of Pygmy Nuthatch for you to see, taken some years ago by the late Ron LeValley. Ron was always so generous sharing his photos with us.

This morning they were very late in leaving. I set my iPhone up on a tripod and video through the window, so the quality isn't great, that's for sure. But you still can get a feeling for what it's like to see them exit every morning. But it was raining hard this morn, and the wind was fierce. Being in the open wasn't very appealing as this video shows.

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As I reported in my other post, we have received a little over four fabulous inches of early rain, a real blessing. Tomorrow I will report on the status of the seasonal creek that crosses our land. Perhaps it came to life???

A small pod of Killer Whales, Orcas, was seen off The Sea Ranch recently. Jan de Vries photographed this Orca as it splashed down on its side.

These Orcas are called Transients and they prey on CA Sea Lions and Harbor Seals.

Thanks to Jan for allowing me to share his photo with you here. I have a photo I took of a particularly beautiful sunrise a little over a week ago. I took this photo from the front deck of our home in Anchor Bay. These amazing colors didn't last long, but they had me gasping in wonder.

Sunny with breezes today. Where's our rain?

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I was so excited to find this group of Sugarsticks. They are growing on a neighbor's property under a huckleberry bush.

The large one is the largest I've ever seen and there are seven smaller ones emerging. They obtain sugar and other nutrients from underground fungus, which I believe it the Matsutake fungus. Every winter, Matsies emerge in this area.

There is a nice fog bank over the Pacific Ocean, but it's sunny in Anchor Bay. We had some hot air move in Saturday afternoon, and the temperature at our property went from 75 to 92 degrees in a matter of minutes. Yikes! It's not so hot today, thank goodness.

From our Anchor Bay perch, this is what the sunset looked like last night.

Just lovely, sunsets are the gift that keeps on giving.

Yesterday, and again today, the weather has been spectacular...spectacular if you love sunny, wind-free days. We know it won't last, so let's enjoy it for now.

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I never take seeing a rainbow for granted. They bring delight every time. Irene and Rolf Fandrey photographed this one in Anchor Bay with a Common Raven flying by.

This one was photographed by Christopher Arnold off of Black Point Beach, Sea Ranch.

Thanks to the Fandreys and Christopher for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Today, after a pretty darn big rainstorm, we have sunny, mild weather. More rain for tomorrow. Bring it on, Mother Nature!