Tag Archives: Adult Gray Foxes


It is always a treat to see Gray Foxes. The open meadows of The Sea Ranch are a great place to catch a sighting. Jan de Vries photographed a family of Gray Foxes recently near his Sea Ranch home.

Here the parents are enjoying the sun. Living lightly on the land is the motto of TSR and these Foxes have joined right in.

 Below Mom is feeding a rambunctious Kit.

 And here I think she looks a little worried - perhaps her Kit is nursing a little to enthusiastically.

 And Dad keeps a careful eye on his family.

Thanks to Jan de Vries for allowing me to share his charming photos with you here.


I thought you might enjoy a photo of two adult Gray Foxes since I've been showing you Fox Kits. It was taken by Coastal photographer Siegfried Matull at his home on The Sea Ranch. It is one of my favorite photos. Doesn't it speak to the serenity and beauty of the Mendonoma Coast?

The female is on the left. Thanks to Siegfried for allowing me to share his photo with you here.