Loch Michie recently photographed the Point Arena Lighthouse and I think his photograph looks like a painting!

To learn more about the Point Arena Lighthouse, here's a link to their website: https://www.pointarenalighthouse.com/

Thanks to Loch for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's been a beautiful sunny, if cool, day here today. Don't miss Festival of Trees at the Gualala Arts Center. I went today and it's fabulous! Learn more at this link: https://gualalaarts.org/2024/11/2024-festival-of-trees/

Ron Bolander was down at the Gualala River when he saw this beautiful Great Blue Heron. He got the magic moment when the heron was about to lift off. And the photo Eric Zetterholm took of the heron looking right at him makes me laugh.


Great Blue Herons are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Ron and Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

ah, the sunshine today feels so good after all the rain. We got another 0.69 inches yesterday, Monday, for a total of 21.95 season to date. Today the clouds slipped south and sunshine ruled the day.

It's no surprise the Gualala River would be flowing quickly into the Pacific Ocean. We've had a ton (almost) of rain this past week. Thursday morning found the mouth open and a very muddy river. Karen Wilkinson photographed the sight.

A big sandbar "closes" the river to the ocean when the spring rains are done. Any Steelhead in the river are trapped in luxury! When the autumn or winter rains have fallen, the lagoon fills up like a bathtub with a plug. The river floods into its floodplain. With enough rain, and perhaps help from the tides, the river bursts through the sandbar. The Steelhead will be propelled out to their next life phase, which is in the ocean. Steelhead waiting to return to the river to spawn can now do so.

Thanks to Karen for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It rained pretty steady for most of today, Monday. Rain total since last Wednesday is a hefty 17.71 inches. Yikes!

Bill Budge photographed the Supermoon as it was descending. Its moonlight on the Pacific Ocean looks like it's pointing at Castle Rock. With the wispy clouds, there is a moodiness to Bill's beautiful photo.

Castle Rock is off the north end of Gualala. Thanks to Bill for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It was sunny this morning, very welcome after all the rain! This afternoon clouds moved in and it's begun to lightly rain.

The wave action during the King Tides was amazing. Cindy Morey caught some of the beauty and power for you to see.

Thanks To Cindy for allowing me to share her photo with  you here. I can almost hear that wave crash.

Today, Saturday Nov. 23, we are catching a break from the torrential rains. The rain total at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay for the three days is 16.59 inches! That's incredible! Season to date is 20.81. A "normal" rain total here for a season is 50 inches.