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Paul Kozal loves photographing the night sky. Each photo is just spectacular. Here's one Paul took of the Milky Way from Cooks Beach, which is at the north end of Gualala. He got a streak of a meteor in this photo too.

Shouqin Huo wrote me last Friday,  "I caught something strange on the camera in Irish Beach last night, Thursday. It might be a meteor burning up. Whatever it was, it was close. You can hear two sonic booms in the video."

If so, it would be a meteorite. What do you think? If you can't open the short video, I believe I can email it to you. It's only four seconds long.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his beautiful photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's art, here is his website: https://www.paulkozal.com/

And thanks to Shouqin for sharing his video!

Usually we see rainbows in the morning hours, but now and then conditions are perfect for an afternoon rainbow. Dan Lewis headed for Bower Park, which is on the Gualala Ridge. He photographed this rainbow looking east, over the pond.

Thanks to Dan for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's sunny this afternoon, but dark clouds are starting to make their way into the picture. Rain is predicted for tonight, tomorrow, the day after...and...yes, it's going to rain for a while! My season to date rain total is 54.36 inches. I consider 50 inches a nice wet winter, so we're doing great rainfall-wise.

A week ago Friday, the Pacific Ocean was booming. Perry Hoffman wrote, “The waves at Black Point were so huge yesterday that the spray created glorious rainbows. Here is my best shot.”

Rainbows in waves are called iridescence, a spectacularly beautiful sight. And Black Point Beach is off The Sea Ranch, a spectacular beach with public access.

Thanks to Perry for allowing me to share his photo with you and for sending me his
"best shot!" To see more of Perry's artwork, here is his website: https://magentaraven.com/

After some fog rolled up the coast, south to north, this morning, it has pulled back over the Pacific Ocean. Blue skies with thin clouds are the order of the day. Rain is forecast to return late on Tuesday.

Such beautiful birds - I love Great Egrets. They are so very graceful, especially in flight. Loch Michie recently photographed one taking off.

They have rather harsh calls which you can here at this link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's wetsite: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Great_Egret/sounds

Thanks to Loch for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Cool and sunny weather today, with a breeze that could make you shiver. This weekend is supposed to be sunny so you might want to head for the Mendonoma Coast!

This first photo of the Ferruginous Hawk graced page one of the Independent Coast Observer this week. Shari Goforth was on Lighthouse Road in Point Arena when she noticed this large hawk perched on utility pole.


We only see these hawks in the wintertime.

To hear their screaming calls, here's a link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Ferruginous_Hawk/sounds

Thanks to Shari for allowing me to share her photos with you here.