Author Archives: Jeanne Jackson

Bill Oxford was photographing Sea Lions off Biehler Point on The Sea Ranch this past week. There was a group of Sea Lions rafting together nearby. Several peeled off and decided to surf the big waves. The first photo show three Sea Lions. I can almost hear their glee!

Another of Bill's great photos of this event will be in tomorrow's Independent Coast Observer in my Mendonoma Sightings column.What? You don't get the paper? You can sign up at

Were Sea Lions the first surfers? Could be! But there are other creatures who love to surf, including Bottlenose Dolphins and Western Gulls. And then there are the two-legged variety. Rozanne Rapozo photographed this surfer off the mouth of the Gualala River, not a place we usually see surfers!

Thanks to Bill and Rozanne for allowing me to share their photos with you here. You can see more of Bill's photography, which includes weddings, at his website:

Today, 1/31/24 Wednesday, the Mendonoma Coast...and much of California...has been hit by a whopper of a storm. Rain totals vary greatly depending on location. As I type this, Rick's and my gauge is at 3.14 inches and it's still raining. I've had reports of over six inches on the Gualala Ridge. It's a gully washer!




This unusual bird, a Crested Caracara, has been seen near the P'da Hau, aka the Garcia River for several days. Rancher Larry Stornetta was the first to report its presence. Photographers Craig Tooley and Ron Bolander went looking for it Saturday, Jan. 27, and found it near the mouth of the river, hanging out with several resident Turkey Vultures. Here are some of Craig's photos of this very rare visitor here.

I had never heard of this bird before, but they are residents of Mexico and points south. Here's what the Cornell Lab of Ornithology says about them:

"The Crested Caracara looks like a hawk with its sharp beak and talons, behaves like a vulture, and is technically a large tropical black-and-white falcon. It is instantly recognizable standing tall on long yellow-orange legs with a sharp black cap set against a white neck and yellow-orange face. The Crested Caracara is a bird of open country and reaches only a few states in the southern U.S. It flies low on flat wings, and routinely walks on the ground."

I read that these birds are mostly quiet but will give out a call if disturbed. Here is a link to hear the call of this bird:

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is a link to his website: Craig and I made a beautiful book together, "Mendonoma Sightings Throughout the Year."

Justine Rosenthal wrote, “Janine [Johnson] saw this Bobcat this afternoon. It was in our yard two times today, sleeping and hunting." This Bobcat looks pretty content!

Fun Fact: the markings on a Bobcat’s fur are unique to each Bobcat, just like our fingerprints.

Thanks to Justine and Janine for allowing me to share this photo with you here.

There are lots of clouds today, Friday. The sunset could be amazing! Dry weather is predicted for the weekend. New rainfall totals at Rick's and my place - 30.35 inches. More rain coming in next week.

Bonny Dunn piloted her drone out over the Pacific Ocean to get this view of the coastline. It was at the peak of the recent King tides.


You can see the Gualala River flowing into the ocean and the town of Gualala in the middle. What a fascinating look at our area.

Thanks to Bonny for allowing me to share her photo with you here. To see more of Bonny's photography, here is a link to her website:

We had a break from the storms today, Tuesday, but another storm is coming in tonight. Clouds are piling in! The last storm brought 2.50 inches, bringing my season to date total to 29.95 inches. 50 inches is a "normal" year at Rick's and my place, so we are well on our way!

Paul Brewer visited Salt Point State Park recently. He found crashing waves and some beautiful waterfalls.

I'd sure like to see these waterfalls after today's storm is over - they should be in full flood!

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website:

We received more than 2 3/4 inches of rain from the previous storm, and my season to date total was 27.45 inches. It's pouring as I type this so the total will be going up...way up!