Author Archives: Jeanne Jackson

There was a nice break in the stormy weather this several weeks ago, though dark clouds occasionally blocked the welcome sunshine. Those dark clouds brought rainbows. Mark Hancock photographed an unusual one near the Point Arena Lighthouse. He wrote, “I've never seen such a flat rainbow, it was so vivid and right above Arena Rock off the Lighthouse Peninsula.  Really beautiful. I made sure everyone on my staff took a look and they all agreed it was pretty unique.”

Such a low rainbow is rare. I learned that the position of the sun in the sky plays the crucial role in determining the height, or lack thereof, at which the rainbow appears. As the sun climbs higher, the rainbow drops lower. We usually see rainbow in the mornings, and sometimes in the late afternoon.

You can see sights like this at the Point Arena Lighthouse. Learn more about it at this link:

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Clouds this morning, sunny this afternoon, with rain arrived early tomorrow, Friday. Maybe we'll have more rainbows!

Marilyn Green found this object washed up on a beach at The Sea Ranch.

Bob Van Syoc knew what it was. I found it eerily beautiful. Bob wrote, “Very beautiful indeed! This is the shed exoskeleton of a Barnacle.  Barnacles live inside a permanent calcareous shell attached to the bottom, but inside of the shell they also have a chitinous exoskeleton (like crabs and shrimp) as they are crustaceans. To grow they must shed their old exoskeleton and then form a new larger one. The shed exoskeletons float around and some wash ashore.”

So, inside the Barnacles' shell is an exoskeleton. And they outgrow it and have to shed it. Who knew? Lucky for Marilyn and me, Bob knew!

Thanks to Marilyn for her ability to spot small, unusual items and for allowing me to share her photo with you here. Also thanks to Bob for his expertise.

Cool this afternoon, with a breeze. We have rain coming in starting tomorrow night. Happy first full day of spring!

It's rather startling to see this, but it is a treat. Grace O'Malley photographed a Sun Halo. What's interesting in Grace's photo is the pyramid shape in the middle of the Halo.

A Sun Halo is a ring or light that forms around the sun as the sunlight refracts off ice crystals present in a thin veil of cirrus clouds. It often predicts rain within the next 24 hours.

Thanks to Grace for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

No Sun Halo today. We actually saw some fog form out on the ocean, and that is a harbinger for spring! It's been sunny with light breezes and temps in the 60s. Perfection!

Michael Reinhart recently got a nice photo of a Hairy Woodpecker.

Here's what the Cornell Lab of Ornithology says about these woodpeckers:

"The larger of two look alikes, the Hairy Woodpecker is a small but powerful bird that forages along trunks and main branches of large trees. It wields a much longer bill than the Downy Woodpecker's almost thornlike bill. Hairy Woodpeckers have a somewhat soldierly look, with their erect, straight-backed posture on tree trunks and their cleanly striped heads. Look for them at backyard suet or sunflower feeders, and listen for them whinnying from woodlots, parks, and forests."

To listen to their one-note call, scroll down till you see Calls Pacific:

Thanks to Mike for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Another beautiful day here, though cooler. Temps in the low 60s with a few drifting clouds.

Remember the Ochre Star missing two arms that Roxanne Holmes photographed? She's been keeping a watch on the Star and it has begun growing two new arms.

Those two purple-ish stubs are the new arms beginning to grow. I believe they will be the same orange color of the Star when they are grown. I'll have to ask Roxanne to continue to photograph this Star so we can find out!

Thanks to Roxanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

wowza, it's warm here on the Mendonoma Coast today, in the 70's with no wind. The Pacific Ocean is like a lake. It's a magnificent day on the coast!