Black Oystercatchers, as photographed by Perry Hoffman and Michael Reinhart.

Perry Hoffman was photographing this Black Oystercatcher when a big wave crashed behind him or her!

And Mike Reinhart got this interesting photo of two walking down the rocks, along with one sitting/resting in the sun.

This is what the Cornell Lab of Ornithology has to say about their calls:

"High-pitched, piping or whistling notes, given singly or in rolling, stuttering, or trilling series, often sounding like an excitable wheee as if given by a kid on a roller coaster." Listen and see what you think:

Thanks to Perry and Mike for allowing me to share their photos with you here. To see much more of Perry's photography and art, here is the link to his website:

Looks like our three plus weeks of dry, sunny weather is about to come to a close in a couple of days. Today was clear and nippy!

One thought on “Black Oystercatchers, as photographed by Perry Hoffman and Michael Reinhart.

  1. rhgobirding

    Thanks! to Sightings I just discovered there are two different Oyster Catchers. The Black I've seen, but not an American Oyster Catcher! So good to know. Will look them up! Many thanks!!! Helen Goforth

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