A California Red-legged Frog, Rana draytonii, as photographed by Eileen Kallaway.

Eileen Kallaway found a special frog near her Sea Ranch home. She wrote, “This Red-legged Frog lives under our porch at the north end of Sea Ranch, by the 9th hole golf course and not far from Salal trail. I have seen him twice out at night in the pouring rain! A person on Sea Ranch Facebook said it is an endangered species!!

I read that the California Red-legged Frog has disappeared from an estimated 70% of its original range. It is now listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act and has been identified as a California species of special concern. One cause of this decline is habitat loss, however introduced and invasive species like the American bullfrog have also contributed. It is illegal to harm or harass them. Here's another look at this frog only found in California. This photo was taken by Roberta Chan and the rare frog was alongside the Gualala River.

Thanks to Eileen and to Roberta for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Clouds, fog, sunshine and cool temps - a little bit of a mix today!