Red-tailed Hawk, as photographed by Perry Hoffman.

Perry Hoffman got this wonderful photo of a Red-tailed Hawk near the P'da Hau, aka the Garcia River. It looks like the hawk was just taking off. It's amazing to see the strength - and beauty -  in this hawk's wings.

Red-tailed Hawks are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast.

To  hear their distinctive, screaming call, you can listen here at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's website at this link:

I read on the site that they give this call most often while soaring.

Thanks to Perry for allowing me to share his photo with  you here. To see much more of Perry's photography, here is the link to his website:

We had another very hot day here. The heatwave is suppose to break tomorrow. My sister, who lives in Point Arena on the bluffs overlooking the Pacific, said it was much cooler there today. The temperature actually hit 97 degrees here today. Good news is that rain is in the forecast for late Friday into Saturday. Bring it, Mother Nature!

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