An Osprey chick peeks over the nest as a parent stands guard, as photographed by Terry Pfardresher.

The Osprey chicks I watch in Anchor Bay have recently fledged, but here is a look at an active nest in Gualala. Terry Pfardresher photographed the chick in the nest with a parent perched on the edge of the nest. It's most likely the mother Osprey waiting for her mate to bring back a tasty fish.

When the male Osprey brings a fish, the mother will tear off pieces of the fish to feed to her offspring. She will also take some for herself.

Ospreys usually leave the Mendonoma Coast around the first days of autumn, migrating southward. Once in a while, one or perhaps two will stay and overwinter here.

Thanks to Terry for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Fog in places today, but sunny and quite breezy just a little ways away from the ocean.