Rozanne Rapozo’s photo shows the incredible beauty of Double-crested Cormorants.

Rozanne Rapozo photographed a pair of Double-crested Cormorants, saying she was surprised to find them on the rocks at the park where she usually only sees Pelagic Cormorants. I was amazed by how beautiful the feathers were, etched in a darker color. She wrote, “Looks like [the one on the right] is ready for Spring, and aren’t we all!! A special treat to get one at the start of breeding plumage.”

Tim Bray took a look at this photo and determined the bird on the left is an immature and the bird of the right is an adult coming into breeding plumage.

I asked Diane Hichwa about this sighting. She wrote, “We don't have as many Double-cresteds.  A few nest on Fish Rock Islands. The Pelagic Cormorants nest on the cliff sides at discreet spots up and down the coast. And the Brandt's Cormorants need lots of flatter space so they nest on Gualala Point Island and on Fish Rock Islands."

Notice the "s" shape of their necks. And if you could see inside their mouths, you'd find bright blue mouths!

Thanks to Rozanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Very breezy, cool with high puffy clouds passing by today.