A Gray Whale very close in by the Gualala River.

Eric Zetterholm photographed this Gray Whale very close to the surf break at the sandbar by the Gualala River. Two beach walkers had an up-close-and-personal experience that day!

Here's a second look.

Whale expert, Scott Mercer, says this is a subadult Gray Whale. We have a small group of young Gray Whales that did not migrate, and we are know seeing them 12 months of the year.

Yesterday, Scott and Tree Mercer saw two Blue Whales, and I may have seen those Blues later in the afternoon. I saw a super tall spout quite a ways out, and the spout lingered. Sounds like a Blue Whale to me. Closer in there was a pod of at least four whales, perhaps Humpbacks. Lots of wonderful whale sightings lately.

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Breeze picked up today, making whale spouts almost impossible to see! Warmer weather ahead.