Monthly Archives: May 2016

Paul Kozal's night sky photography is a joy to behold. He just captured this photo of Sea Cove on The Sea Ranch and the Milky Way.

Sea Cove and the Milky Way by Paul Kozal

Just beautiful! We have a lack of light pollution here on the Mendonoma Coast, which is to be treasured. And it allows talented photographers to get photos like this one.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website:

We have had a few sprinkles, but not much to speak of. However the clouds have brought some beautiful sunsets. Here's last night's sunset taken by Richard Hansen in Gualala.

Cinco de Mayo sunset by Richard Hansen

And day is done...

Thanks to Richard for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Tree Mercer was out near the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands and took my advice to always check near your toes. Wildflowers can be very small. She looked down and this is what she found - Redmaids, Calandrinia ciliata.

Redmaids by Tree Mercer

California Poppies have been amazing this spring. Peter Cracknell photographed one tightly closed up, a rather unusual look at this wildflower.

CA Poppy by Peter Cracknell

Native rhododendrons, Pacific Rhododendron, are blooming. Catherine Miller took this photo.

Pacific Rhododendron by Catherine Miller

Today we are having light rain showers. That can only benefit our beautiful native wildflowers. Thanks to Tree, Peter, and Catherine for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Jack Likins looks for abalones that are at least ten inches across, known as trophy abs. He found his first one several weeks ago.

Jack Likin's first ten+ inch Abalone of the year by Frank Hurd (Large)

Jack's diving buddy, Frank Hurd, took this photo. You can see the abalone is a nice fat one. With the concerns about the sparse bull kelp, which abalones eat, Jack was happy to find such a healthy abalone.

Thanks to Frank for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To learn all you've ever wanted to know about abalone and the divers who search for them, here is the website of local diver Eric Anderson:

Anne Mary Schaefer saw this magnificent sight at Manchester State Park.

A carpet of wildflowers at Manchester State Park by Anne Mary SchaefferWildflowers on the bluffs are so wonderful this year after a normal rain year. Trees and bushes are showing tremendous growth this year too, surely a result of all the rain.

Thanks to Anne Mary for allowing me to share her photo with you here. To see much more of Anne Mary's photography, here is her website: