Monthly Archives: December 2015

Robert Scarola recently photographed the action off of The Sea Ranch.
King Tide and Waves from Storm by Robert ScarolaJPG

You can almost hear the crash of the waves by looking at Robert's photo.

Janet Burch was also out photographing the big swells.

Magnificent waves by Janet Tervo

Note that the waves are crashing bluff high - amazing!

Thanks to Robert and Janet for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Harm Wilkinson captured this evocative sunset as a Brown Pelican flew by.

A Brown Pelican crosses the setting sun by Harm Wilkinson

Today it is pouring down rain. Flood warnings abound. The seasonal creek that crosses our land is doing its best imitation of a mighty river. I will share photos of it soon. After four years of drought, we are very thankful for this rain!

Thanks to Harm for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Joan Bacci has been photographing two Bald Eagles at Jenner in November and December. Her photos show the bigger female and the smaller male.

Bald Eagle pair perched on rocks by Joan Bacci (Large) Bald Eagle perched on a snag by Joan Bacci (Large) Bald Eagle soaring over the Russian River by Joan Bacci Two adult Bald Eagles by Joan Bacci (Large)

It is the hope of many of us that Bald Eagles will  once again nest here on the Mendonoma Coast! I think Penny Island at Jenner would make a perfect nesting place.

Thanks to Joan for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Last weekend the surf was really pounding the coast. Pat Maxwell headed for Hearn Gulch to watch the action, and she wasn't disappointed!

The blowhole at Hearn Gulch by Pat Maxwell

When the blowhole goes off like this, it makes a "whomp" sound, and the ground trembles. It is very exciting to experience it.

Hearn Gulch is just north of Iversen Road in Mendocino County. Park at mile marker 10.0. There is a beautiful pocket beach, though the path down can be difficult for some. You can, though, watch the action from the bluffs.

To learn more about public access spots brought to us by the Redwood Coast Land Conservancy, here is their website:

Thanks to Pat for allowing me to share her photo with you here.