Monthly Archives: December 2014

To see sunbeams peaking through storm clouds and shining on the ocean is always a treat. Bettye Winters recently photographed this phenomenon, which some call God's rays.

Sunbeams through storm clouds by Bettye Winters (Large)

Sunbeams on the ocean by Bettye Winterrs (Large)

This doesn't happen very often so it is wonderful to see.

Thanks to Bettye for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

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Don Spear photographed this beautiful sunrise here on the Mendonoma Coast.

Dramatic sunrise by Don Spear

It almost looks like a scene from Close Encounters of the Third Kind!

Thanks to Don for allowing me to share this photo with you here.


I love the common name of this mushroom - Strawberries and Cream. Its scientific name is Hydnellum peckii and it is also called Bleeding Hydnellum. Ken Browning and Anne Little came across one recently.

Hydnellum peckii, Strawberries and Cream, by Ken Browning

Ken photographed a young one, as it is white. The red beads on top are seen in moist weather. It is inedible but certainly unique and lovely to observe in the forest.

Thanks to Ken for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

We have had two sightings of Bald Eagles.  Randy Burke sent in this sighting from a week ago Sunday. He wrote, “Nathan Becker from Napa captured this Bald Eagle while hiking around the campgrounds of [Gualala Point Regional Park].  Nathan and his friend Xavier are active bird enthusiasts, and thought the photographic capture of the eagle to be a highlight of their day out.”

Bald Eagle by Nathan Becker

Nathan’s photo shows an adult. Teresa Denniston spotted a juvenile near her home in Gualala.

We are hoping a mated pair will build a nest here on the Mendonoma Coast. The welcome mat is out!

Thanks to Nathan for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

A big storm is hitting the coast this afternoon. More rain is just what the doctor ordered!