Monthly Archives: December 2014

All the rain we've had has brought seasonal waterfalls to life. Allen Vinson recently photographed the waterfall at Stengel Beach.

Beautiful waterfall at Stengel Beach by Allen Vinson

Isn't it beautiful?  Stengel Beach is a public access point on The Sea Ranch. There is a very short trail out to the bluffs to see this waterfall.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Before the storm arrived, there were rainbows this morning. Now that's a nice way to start the day!

Gary Levenson-Palmer recently photographed several beautiful rainbows. The first shows a rare fire rainbow, a horizontal rainbow.

Fire Rainbow by Gary Levenson-Palmer Rainbow by Gary Levenson-Palmer Rainbow over the ocean by Gary Levenson-Palmer

Rainbow days are one of the privileges of being on the Mendonoma Coast.

I thank Gary for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

What a season we are having this year with wild mushrooms. Hedgehog mushrooms, one of my favorites, are  up in abundance, as are Winter Chanterelles and Black Trumpets. One of the most distinctive mushrooms is the Fly Amanita. Jim  Garlock recently photographed one.

Fly Amanita by Jim Garlock

Rick and I went on a mushroom hunt last week, looking for edibles, of course. We found a treasure trove of Matsutakes! Also found was a Shaggy Man, Candy Caps, Black Trumpets and Hedgehogs.

Basket of edible mushrooms by Jeanne Jackson

Finding edible mushrooms in the forest is like finding treasure - a gift from Mother Nature.

Thanks to Jim for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Rick and I looked out and saw this big, bad thunderstorm directly west of our house in Anchor Bay.

Thunderstorm by Jeanne Jackson

We could hear thunder rumbling through the air. This thunderstorm came straight at us and deluged us with rain - over a half inch in five minutes! And then it hailed, big time. The first photo shows our pond. It really looks like it snowed.

Hail by our pond (Large) Hail in front (Large) Hail on our deck (Large)

We received over seven inches of much-needed rain from this big storm. More storms are on the horizon and one is hitting this afternoon. Bye, bye Mr. Drought! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

A big, wet storm dropped a lot of rain on the Mendonoma Coast. At our house in Anchor Bay we received over 6 1/2 inches of rain in two days. The Garcia River flooded Highway One yesterday, closing the road. It reopened this morning. Chris Howard photographed the Gualala River yesterday and it was full to the brim and moving fast.

The Gualala River is full to the brim by Chris Howard The raging Gualala River by Chris Howard

The raging river blew out the rest of the sandbar to the north. The river is something to behold!

Thanks to Chris for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

If you are on the Mendonoma Coast tomorrow, Dec. 13th, the Ernest Bloch Bell Ringers will be performing their holiday concert at the Gualala Arts Center at 3 pm. I am the director/conductor, so you could have a sighting of me, along with the sound of beautiful handbells. Here is the group:

The Ernest Bloch Bell Ringers Summer 2014 by Rick Jackson (Large)