Monthly Archives: April 2014

We have received a lot of blessed rain here on the Mendonoma Coast. Every drop is welcome. On Tuesday a wild and windy storm hit the Coast.

It is fun to watch showers over the ocean. Several of these showers reached us as they headed east.

Thunderstorms sweeping over the coast.

The next day, yesterday, the swells were big, creating big waves. Rick and I went to the Point Arena Lighthouse to watch for Gray Whales with friends and I photographed some of the beautiful wave action. You will have to imagine the sound of the crashing waves. And, yes, we did see some Grays!

 Swell after swell rolled in. It can be mesmerizing to watch the Pacific Ocean!

Today we await a smaller storm. The weekend is to be clear and warm. I'm wondering if abalone divers will be able to go on their first hunt for red treasure this year!