Monthly Archives: April 2014

Mendonoma_Sightings_Throughout_The_Year_coverWhat you have in the 270 pages of Mendonoma Sightings Throughout the Year is the essence of the most popular nature column on the Mendocino/Sonoma Coast—Jeanne Jackson’s Mendonoma Sightings.

It is also the essence of the Coast itself, a magical environment filled with hawks and whales and cougars and butterflies, giant redwoods and tiny forest orchids. All in place where the land meets the Pacific Ocean. All changing, sometimes subtly, sometimes spectacularly, from month to month, season to season. ...continue reading

Rainbows are a great way to start off your day. A small storm overnight brought us beautiful rainbows this morning. I took these photos from our front deck in Anchor Bay.

It's cool and blustery here on the Coast today. Too many whitecaps to see Gray Whale spouts but I bet there are some mother/calf pairs passing by unnoticed by us!

Paul Kozal was one of several coast photographers out photographing the eclipse of April 14, 2014.  Paul got a beautiful photo of the eclipse, showing a red moon.

Seeing the moon this color next to the bright star is amazing!

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website:

I love these little green frogs. They can change color, though, to adapt to their environment but they can't turn white. Ann Marie Meyer photographed one on a Calla Lily.

Below is a photo of a Treefrog that has changed its color to a blue/gray. It was taken by Susan Ruschmeyer.

When the male calls for a mate, the sound is so much louder than you'd expect from such a tiny frog. Peter Baye captured a photo of the voice sac in action. Amazing photo!

Thanks to Ann Marie, Susan and Peter for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Julie Bower took two photos and set them side-by-side to show us the highs and lows of the tide at the mouth of the Gualala River.

It's very interesting to see the difference! Thanks to Julie for allowing me to share her photos with you here.