Monthly Archives: April 2014

Earth Day saw the last of a  recent series of small storms. The last one brought another beautiful rainbow, as vibrant as can be. Peggy Berryhill got this photo from Gualala Point Regional Park.

Beautiful Rainbow on Earth Day by Peggy Berryhill

This  view spot is on the way into the park. It is a favorite of many of us for taking photos of the Gualala River and the Pacific Ocean. How fortunate for us that Peggy was there at the exact moment this rainbow appeared.

The Gualala River closed Sunday night and has since filled up. I will share some photos of that soon. It's a perfect time to go kayaking on the river.

Now we are having a heat wave. With no wind the ocean looks like a lake. Locals went diving for abalone today and tomorrow looks ideal too.

Thanks to Peggy for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Bobcats are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast. Mark Simkins and Kitty Wolfe have meadows near their Manchester home,  which gives them a great chance to see Bobcats.

April Bobcat by Mark Simkins (Large)

You can see gopher holes in Mark and Kitty's meadow and gophers are Bobcats favorite meal. You can clearly see the tufted ears of this Bobcat.

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photo with you here. Now if Mark can just get me a photo of Bobcat kittens!

Two years in the making, Mendonoma Sightings Throughout The Year, is here.

Book Cover - Mendonoma Sightings Throughout the Year (Large)

On Sunday April 27th the book will be officially launched at Gualala Arts Center
3 pm to 5 pm. The event is free. Craig and I will be there signing books.

Sightings Love Letter Page

The Four-eyed Frog Bookstore in Gualala and the Point Arena Lighthouse also has them in stock. They are also available on this website.

Sightings Jellyfish Page87

I hope you will enjoy this beautiful book that shows the beauty of this wonderful place - the magnificent Mendonoma Coast.

Little pieces of Abalone shells often wash up on Mendonoma beaches. Ron Levalley has recently been photographing them for an exhibit at his gallery in Fort Bragg. Here's a recent photo.Abalone Shell mixed with mussel shells and a limpet by Ron LeValleyThe iridescent abalone shell is nestled with mussel shells and a limpet.

I thank Ron for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

To see much more of Ron's nature photography, here is his website:

Shirley Mitchell saw a charming sight. She called these Pine Siskins "whale riders."

Pine Siskins arrive on the Mendonoma Coast about the same time the beautiful male Goldfinches. They both love to eat at thistle feeders filled with niger seed. Below is a photo taken by Dean Schuler of male American Goldfinches at one such feeder.

Siegfried Matull took this lovely photo of three Goldfinches on a branch and a Pine Siskin in the air.

Thanks to Shirley, Dean, and Siegfried for allowing me to share their photos with you here.