Monthly Archives: October 2013

I love this time of year when the Pacific Ocean comes to life. Add in the beautiful sunsets and warm, soft air and you'll see why October is one of my favorite months of the year. Tom Eckles recently photographed the wave action at Anchor Bay Beach.

Just for fun I have included several other photos Tom has taken at Anchor Beach at different times of the year.

We have a full moon tonight, the Hunter's moon. Wherever you may be, we will be looking at the same beautiful moon.

Thanks to Tom for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Tom's photography, here is his website:

Alan Reinke's sons went out abalone diving recently. The ocean has been calm with good visibility and they got their limits. In one of the largest abalones they found two pearls.

These pearls can be polished up and used in jewelry. I think one would make a great good luck charm. These pearls can't be legally sold.

I have other abalone success stories to share with you soon. Abalone diving has been epic on the Mendonoma Coast!

Thanks to Alan for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

We get spoiled in the autumn here on the Mendonoma Coast. The weather can be magnificent. That is what is happening now. Craig Tooley recently photographed this beautiful scene.

As I write this, the sky is clear. Waves are crashing and the Sea Lions on Fish Rocks are barking. Autumn on the Coast is like a dream come true.

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photo with you  here. To see much more of Craig's photography, here is his website:

Bettye Winters photographs sunset near Manchester State Park. One she took recently looks like a hot air balloon.

 Below is a recent October sunset. The sky sometimes glows orange for over a half hour.

Sunset watching - and photographing - is a Coast tradition. Thanks to Bettye for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

White-tailed Kites are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast. They are interesting to watch while they hunt as they hover over a meadow while they search for prey. Siegfried Matull recently photographed one hunting near his home on The Sea Ranch.

White-tailed Kites eat mostly small mammals, but they do eat lizards, insects and some birds. I often see one hunting over the grasslands along the Gualala River while hiking at Gualala Point Regional Park.

To hear the call of this beautiful raptor, here's a link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology:

Thanks to Siegfried for allowing me to share his photo with you here.