Monthly Archives: April 2012


Red Clintonias, Clintonia andrewsiana, are just now blooming in coastal redwood forests. This member of the Lily family is a California native. It's also called Blue Bead Lily, for the beautiful, cobalt-blue berries the flowers morph into in the summer. That's if a Deer doesn't eat the flower head! Rick and I were lucky that this big, exquisite Red Clintonia wasn't eaten and bloomed this year. Last year we weren't so lucky. You might be able to see it is up against the red bark of a Redwood tree.

This particular plant stands about two feet tall. The flower will continue to open up in the days to come. What a gift to find this wildflower in the darkest part of the forest!

Craig Tooley and Rita Peck were headed towards the beach when they saw a Striped Skunk digging away in the sand. Craig thought it might be digging a tunnel.

 But I think the skunk was digging for its breakfast. Perhaps some tasty sand fleas.

When the skunk came up for air, it noticed Craig and Rita and began to head their way. They hastily reversed directions, as you might imagine.

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see more of Craig's photos, here is a link to his website:


Rick and I saw the first Wild Rhododendron flowers blooming along Highway One in Salt Point State Park on Wednesday. The beautiful pink blossoms are always a treat to see. And the first Wild Azaleas have bloomed. Robert Scarola photographed a early bloomer.

Just the two blossoms are open but aren't they lovely? So much more loveliness is to come as these beauties will continue to bloom in the weeks ahead. Thanks to Robert for allowing me to share his photo with you here.


Even if Rick and I are pressed for time, a walk on the Gualala Bluff Trail is easy to fit in. And Huckleberry, our golden retriever, never turns down a walk. We parked along Highway One in front of the Shoreline Restaurant and accessed the trail between the restaurant and the Breaker's Inn. Spring has sprung along the trail and even in the foggy morning the trail was alive with color.

 Rick and Huckleberry are urging me to catch up!

 It looks like Huck is thinking, "So many poppies, so little time..."


I wanted to show you a close-up photo of a Brown Pelican. What better one than this splash down photo by Siegfried Matull. I love how the Pelican is reflected in the water.

You'll see this is a white-headed bird, signifying an adult. Thanks to Siegfried for allowing me to share his beautiful photo with you here.