Wendy Bailey was driving up Highway One when she pulled over to watch and photograph the sunset. She was at Stillwater Cove, hoping for a green flash. She didn't get a green flash but she did capture this lovely sunset.
There is a Sonoma County park at Stillwater Cove. Here is the link if you'd like to learn more about it: http://www.sonoma-county.org/parks/pk_stwtr.htm
And if you'd like to see Frank Vaskelis' photo of a green flash shared on this site, here is the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/04/28/the-green-flash-its-not-a-myth/
Wendy didn't see a green flash but Rick Denniston reported seeing a beautiful, two minute long green flash that night from his home in Gualala. Location, location, location!