If you happen to be lucky enough to have Brown Pelicans flying overhead, do you know how to tell if they were born this past year, the year before or if they are adults? Allen Vinson knew! The juveniles have white bellies and dark heads, while the adults - three years and older - have dark bellies and white heads in winter. A second year bird has a white belly and white head. And I haven't even mentioned the adult males' breeding plumage, which is seen in the spring. Who knew birding was so complicated?!
This young Brown Pelican looks like it was just learning to fly!
Allen wrote that it was losing altitude as he took this photo.
I hope these last two photos made you smile. I smile every time I look at them!
Carolyn André
I hope that young fellow picked it up a little bit...
Jeanne Jackson
He looks like he is just learning the ropes!
Witnessing the "face plant" water landing that surely followed would have been a hoot.
Jeanne Jackson
Watching them land in the Gualala River is a hoot too! So graceful in the air but rather clumsy when landing.