Monthly Archives: July 2011


This is what the early morning sunrise looked like with the full moon setting as Rick and I watched. To start the day with such beauty is a joy.

Our golden retriever wasn't as impressed. Huckleberry was entirely too relaxed to care about the sunrise.

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Peter Baye couldn't believe his eyes when he spotted an 8-inch nearly white Steelhead swimming with a group of normal-colored Steelhead. In all his years of exploring the far reaches of the Gualala River, he's never seen anything like this. Mother Nature must be playing tricks!


Its bloom is just about over but I wanted to share this beautiful member of the Lily family - Ithuriel's Spear, Triteleia laxa. This particular plant is growing next to a neighbor's fence.  Bees and butterflies visit this flower often. It's a California native and it grows from a corm, which is edible.

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Cook's Beach is a lovely wind-protected sandy beach on the north end of Gualala. The Redwood Coast Land Conservancy manages it. There is an easy trail from the bluff down to the beach. It's a perfect place to watch the sunset and perhaps see a green flash. Karen Tracy captured a beautiful sunset from the beach and has kindly allowed me to share it here.

To learn about other beaches and trails managed by RCLC check out their web site:


It will be easy to spot the two adult Black Oystercatchers but not so easy to see their three off-spring. Hint: they look like rocks and are on the lower right side. Thanks to Craig Tooley for allowing me to share this photo!

To see more of Craig's photos, go to: