Monthly Archives: June 2011


Brown Pelicans, one of my favorite birds, continue to be seen flying north along the bluffs and over the rocky islands of the Mendonoma Coast. So graceful in the air, they are always exciting to spot. Rozann Grunig recently caught a great photograph of Brown Pelicans and  has graciously allowed me to share her photo here.


So small and delicate you might overlook it, the Redwood Pea is blooming now on the Mendonoma Coast. Its Latin name is Lathyrus torreyi and it is a California native. It's a perennial herb and it is blooming in the forest on our property in Anchor Bay and also in several sunnier spots. Peter Baye tells me they are not too common these days and he encourages his wherever he finds them. Now this native wildflower is even more precious to me.

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With a nearly full moon and the soft pastels of an early sunrise, the Mendonoma Coast was beautiful indeed this morning. Rick and I have just returned from one week vacation. While we enjoyed it, the best part is driving up Highway One and returning home. We live in beauty here on the coast. I never want to take it for granted.

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It is a bit of a walk but, oh, is it worth it! There is a beautiful waterfall on the Stornetta Public Lands. The best way to find it is to drive down Lighthouse Road. That's the way to the Point Arena Lighthouse, another great outing. Access the Stornetta Lands off of this road and walk south. Enjoy the beautiful scenery but take a jacket as it is often windy as you will see by the photo of me. Walk for perhaps 30 minutes. You will come to a stream, walk down, cross the stream, walk up and then look back. There you will see the waterfall to your right and in the distance the gleaming white Lighthouse. What a beautiful sight - a hidden treasure for you to find on the Mendocino Coast!

Several large Rosey Russulas - Russula rosacea - were found by Rozann and  George Grunig on The Sea Ranch this past week. This is not the time of year for these mushrooms to fruit but the late rains must have confused them. They aren't edible. If you tasted a little bit of the cap, it would be hot and you would have to quickly spit it out. But they are beautiful to look at and to photograph. And look! Rozann photographed them on top of the Independent Coast Observer. That's where my Mendonoma Sightings column can be found each and every week.