Jim Hanson wrote, "I took this picture Thursday night from our deck in Gualala. I’m not sure this works for your Sightings column. I know you have sunsets and rainbows but a nighttime photo?  Anyway, I liked the atmosphere of the photo with the filtered moonlight and reflection, and also my neighbor's windows lit like the eyes of a jack-o’-lantern. Very October and Halloween vibe."

Yes, this photo wouldn't work well in newsprint, but it works just fine here!

Thanks to Jim for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

We had a beautiful autumn day today, temps in the mid 70's.

Shari Goforth noticed this female Anna's Hummingbird feeding in a cloud of nasturtiums.

Thanks to Shari for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's a lovely autumn day here on the Mendonoma Coast. The 0.54 inches of rain received on Saturday, Oct. 12, helped fill up the ponds in seasonal creeks. Lots of tree needles down on forest paths, which smell wonderful in the dampness. It's sunny and breezy, with temps in the mid 70's.

Michael Reinhart photographed a skein of Aleutian Cackling Geese heading south.

Here's a close-up photo Mike got recently.

And Jon Shiu got this video, taken off the Mendocino Headlands, where you can hear them cackling away.

Video of Aleutian Cackling Geese flying south by Jon Shiu

Aleutian Cackling Geese can be confused with Canada Geese but they are quite a bit smaller and have shorter necks that the Canadas. I love hearing them. On calm days, I can hear them at Rick's and my place which is a half mile from the ocean. They usually fly over the ocean, but in stormy weather, they can be a bit inland.

Thanks to Mike and Jon for allowing me to share their photos and video.

It's raining here - hooray! It's a nice, gentle rain with no wind. 0.43 inches so far.

John Meyer photographed an Elegant Sheep Moth, Hemileuca eglanterina, a few weeks ago. They are day flying moths, and they fly fast and close to the ground.

Bob Rutemoeller found two of these moths mating.

Yes, x-rated Sightings today! Why are they named sheep moths, you might ask? Apparently because they were seen in pastures where sheep were grazing.

Thanks to John and Bob for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

oh, what a beautiful day today! Temps in the low 70's with just a gentle breeze. And the promise of a little rain late Friday/early Saturday.

It's good to have water for wildlife. Adrian Bennett has a birdbath that subs as a drinking fountain for Deer, in this case, a big Buck.

This is the time of year for the mating season - the rut - of the Black-tailed Mule Deer. They are bound to get thirsty chasing the Does around!

Thanks to Adrian for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's still quite warm when you are a little ways away from the Pacific Ocean. 85 degrees here this afternoon, down from a high of 97 yesterday. Further cooling is forecast with the possibility of some wet stuff late Friday into early Saturday. I hope so!