Tag Archives: Bobcat

Perry Hoffman was photographing out at the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands when this Bobcat appeared.

You can see the tufted tail that gives the Bobcat its name. And there is a black tip on the short tail. There looks to be gopher holes in the meadows there. Bobcats are excellent gopher hunters!

Thanks to Perry for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Perry's photography, here is his website: https://magentaraven.com/

The rains have left and today was simply stunning. Cool but beautiful. This weekend is forecast to be sunny and warmer! I lost power during last Sunday's storm and just got it back on last night, Thursday night. Other coast residents are still waiting for needed repairs to the electrical system. This weather should certainly help.

Justine Rosenthal wrote, “Janine [Johnson] saw this Bobcat this afternoon. It was in our yard two times today, sleeping and hunting." This Bobcat looks pretty content!

Fun Fact: the markings on a Bobcat’s fur are unique to each Bobcat, just like our fingerprints.

Thanks to Justine and Janine for allowing me to share this photo with you here.

There are lots of clouds today, Friday. The sunset could be amazing! Dry weather is predicted for the weekend. New rainfall totals at Rick's and my place - 30.35 inches. More rain coming in next week.

This handsome Bobcat was hunting for rodents in the meadows near Larain Matheson's home.

The cat with the tufted ears and bobbed tail looks pretty healthy! And everyone knows there are plenty of gophers and other rodents along the coast.

Thanks to Larain for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

We had a vigorous rainstorm today. A little over a half inch in a short time. The Pacific Ocean is roaring!



Mel Smith saw this Bobcat near his home in Point Arena. He took the photo with his phone through a spotting scope.

Bobcats are often seen in the daylight hours here on the Mendonoma Coast. They are supposed to be nocturnal but perhaps they have evolved. I receive many sightings of Bobcats during the day.

Thanks to Mel for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's a beautiful autumn day here, mid-sixties, with no wind. We've had 1.60 inches of rain so far. Mushroomers are wondering if this is enough rain to get the boletus edulis, the porcini, going in the days ahead, but that's an unknown at this point.

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Nancy Gastonguay photographed this Bobcat and then wondered if perhaps she had photographed a Lynx.

Lynx aren’t found here. They are forest-dwelling cats in northern latitudes such as Montana, Maine and Minnesota, where deep snow and spruce/fir forest are common. Bobcats and Lynx are in the same genus. Here is an interesting graph showing the differences between the two.

I've never seen a Lynx, but I have seen Bobcats here on the Mendonoma Coast. The best places to see them are meadows as they hunt for rodents.

Thanks to Nancy for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's a beautiful calm day here on the coast today - just loverly.